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On 14 December 2023, Anniek de Ruijter appeared in an article in Dutch newspaper NRC on regulating an unhealthy food environment.

Anniek de Ruijter, Bastiaan Wallage and Hannah van Kolfschooten were part of an interdisciplinary team from the UvA and Amsterdam UMC that developed a pioneering method to measure and regulate the health of food environments, with the aim of addressing the impact of unhealthy eating choices on serious conditions such as obesity and heart disease. The article in NRC highlights this breakthrough. 

In the article, Anniek de Ruijter talks more about the obligation of governments to protect citizens from unhealthy environments, including unhealthy food environments, based on European and national regulations. 

Prof. dr. mr. A. (Anniek) de Ruijter

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
