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On May 29, 2024, Katrina Perehudoff from the Law Centre for Health and Life was the guest speaker at a hearing in the Dutch Parliament on expensive medicines. She was invited by the Committee on Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) to share her expertise on price transparency, human rights, and the legal aspects of these issues within the legal framework.

The hearing was organized by members of parliament Julian Bushoff (PvdA/GrL), Judith Tielen (VVD), and Danielle Jansen (NSC). Perehudoff, nominated as an independent expert by the Wemos Foundation, emphasized the necessity of transparency in medicine prices and the protection of human rights within healthcare. 

This hearing is part of a series of activities by the VWS Committee, aimed at addressing the high prices of medicines and improving the future medicines system. The insights and recommendations Perehudoff shared during the hearing contribute to the broader discussion on how to ensure the accessibility and affordability of medicines. 

Dr. S.K. (Katrina) Perehudoff

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
