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Katrina spoke about the implications of the the EU’ Pharmaceutical Strategy for global access to medicines.

The webinar was organised by Dr. Mary Guy and the EU Health Governance Research Network. It featured panelists Dr Éloïse Gennet (Aix-Marseille), Dr Aurélie Mahalatchimy (Aix-Marseille), Professor Wolf Sauter (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), and Dr Katrina Perehudoff (Universiteit van Amsterdam). Taking the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy as a departure point, the webinar touched on the review of the current EU pharmaceutical legislation and engaged with issues of inclusion and equity as values underlying pharma policy, competition law, and the the EU-global interplay of pharmaceutical regulation.

Katrina’s participation was part of her ongoing research exploring the EU’s role in global access to medicines, which is supported in part by a Veni talent grant from the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research and the Amsterdam University Funds.