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Anniek de Ruijter, Bastiaan Wallage and Hannah van Kolfschooten, from the Law Centre for Health and Life, were part of an interdisciplinary team of scientists at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Amsterdam UMC that developed a method to measure the health of food environments. This approach proposes for the first time a measurement tool that can assess neighbourhoods and streets for their 'food environment score', similar to assessing air quality.

The study, published in December 2023, shows how this tool opens the way to effective regulation of food environments to address health risks such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This innovative method, based on the Nutrition Centre's Disk of Five criteria, reveals disturbing findings. In a tested Amsterdam shopping street, as much as 77% of the food on offer did not meet these health guidelines. This indicates an overwhelming presence of unhealthy food offerings. The measurement tool developed, including a consideration framework, allows municipalities to regulate the food environment. It allows them to make decisions on whether or not to allow new shops selling food, with the aim of creating healthier food environments and protecting citizens' health. 

Prof. dr. mr. A. (Anniek) de Ruijter

Faculty of Law


Mr. H.B. (Hannah) van Kolfschooten LLM

Faculty of Law


Mr. dr. B. (Bastiaan) Wallage

Faculty of Law
