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Hannah van Kolfschooten, from the Law Centre for Health and Life, together with Mirko Faccioli, published a blog post on September 28, in the Bill of Health, on 'A European Cancer Survivors’ Right to be Forgotten?', to combat financial discrimination of cancer survivors. This blog post is a result of van Kolfschooten’s research stay at the University of Verona.

The blog post discusses the importance of establishing a "cancer survivors' right to be forgotten" in Europe. It highlights the discrimination faced by former cancer patients in accessing financial services and the need for legal measures to address this issue. The blog post underscores the growing number of cancer survivors and the importance of adapting risk assessments by financial companies to reflect medical advancements. The societal relevance lies in promoting the rights and empowerment of cancer survivors while reducing discrimination based on their medical history.  

Mr. H.B. (Hannah) van Kolfschooten LLM

Faculty of Law
