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This research line is primarily focused on the responsibilities and obligations of public authorities to protect and promote the health of the population as a whole. These responsibilities are divided across international, regional, national and local public health authorities. More often than not, public health is highly intertwined with the organisation of health care and the regulation of markets. In view of globalisation, increased governance fragmentation  and a growing complexity of our society, the regulation of public health is posing challenges in two directions: The first direction is how can public health laws and policy, as social determinants of health, improve public health? The other direction asks how do public authorities promote and protect public health in light of health-related fundamental rights and values, such as human dignity, universal access, data protection, the right to self determination, among others? We work on these challenges in the context of these projects: 

  1. Governance of Public Health Crises
  2. Access to Medicines
  3. Organisation of Healthcare
  4. The EU's role in Global Access to Medicines
  5. END-VOC

Societal Impact

This research line informs decision makers and policy advisors to multilateral organisations (i.e. Office of the HIgh Commissioner on Human Rights, World Health Organization), the European Union (i.e. European Commission), and national authorities. 

Links in the UvA community

This research line contributes to two of UvA’s prestigious interfaculty Research Priority Areas: 

This research line also links to the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance in the Amsterdam Law School of the UvA.