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The END-VOC initiative seeks to comprehensively understand the global circulation of current and emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOCs), examining their characteristics, transmissibility, pathogenicity, and propensity for reinfection. It aims to support effective control strategies, and diagnostic development, and assess the impact of VOCs on vaccine effectiveness and treatment options.

The Law Centre for Health and Life is a member of the Ending COVID-19 Variants of Concern Through Cohort Studies (END-VOC) Consortium Project. This consortium consists of over 20 member institutions in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America and aims to elucidate how SARS-CoV-2 variants evolve, are transmitted, and the role of law in shaping preparation and response to pandemics. LCHL works with a diverse group of partners to better understand how differences in law and regulatory structures throughout the world impact our ability to prepare for and respond to pandemics. The aim of these findings is to provide policy makers with information to strengthen international pandemic preparedness by harmonizing effective legal and regulatory actions.

This post-doc project utilizes a variety of methodological approaches, including comparative policy analysis and conjoint analysis, to better understand how policy and regulations affect public acceptance of pandemic-related policies.

  • Partners
    • University College London (Lead), United Kingdom 

    • Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Italy 

    • Università Degli Studi Di Milano, Italy 

    • Universitatsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany 

    • Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona, Spain 

    • Institut Universitari per la Recerca a l’Atencio Primaria de Salut Jordi Gol i Gurina, Spain 

    • Folkehelseinstituttet (Norwegian Institute of Public Health), Norway 

    • Stichting Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (including UvA Law Centre for Health and Life), The Netherlands 

    • Nigeria Centre for Disease Control Universite de Geneve, Switzerland 

    • Public Health Foundation of India Fundaçao Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil 

    • Laboratoire National De Santé, Luxembourg 

    • Arab American University Palestine 

    • Institut D’investigació En Ciencias De La Salut Germans Trias I Pujol, Spain 

    • Dopasi Foundation, Pakistan University of The Philippines 

    • Centro de Investigaçao em Sañude de Manhiça, Mozambique 

    • Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, Switzerland 


A.S. (Alec) Cali

Main researcher

Dr. S.K. (Katrina) Perehudoff


Prof. dr. mr. A. (Anniek) de Ruijter
