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In October, the Law Center for Health and Life welcomed a new visiting fellow, Samira Koullali. In addition to her work as a Public Health Legal Advisor at the Center for Infectious Disease Control at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), she will, during her visiting fellowship, research the role of laws and regulations on reducing and/or preventing antibiotic resistance (AMR).

Who are you?   

I am Samira Koullali, born and raised in Utrecht. I did my legal studies in Amsterdam at the VU. I graduated in private law.  I started my working career as a legislative lawyer at the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. I have now been working at RIVM for 6.5 years, now as a Public Health Legal Advisor at the Center for Infectious Disease Control. 

What will your research during your visiting fellowship at LCHL focus on?    

My research relates to the role of laws and regulations on reducing and/or preventing antibiotic resistance (AMR). It is often thought that regulation can reduce AMR, but the question is whether it actually does, and what should that look like? That's what I will be researching.   

What do you do to unwind?  

My hobbies are hiking and bird watching in nature, sports, traveling, and astronomy. 

S. (Samira) Koullali

Faculty of Law
