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On November 8, 2024, the Dutch website Zorgvisie published an opinion piece by Hannah van Kolfschooten on AI in healthcare in the Netherlands.

In the article, Van Kolfschooten emphasizes a crucial point: before AI is used as a solution for cost savings in healthcare, clear guidelines and protocols must be developed in the Netherlands. By focusing on safety and quality, AI can be responsibly integrated into medical practice. This approach provides doctors with the assurance that AI systems are not only effective but also reliable. Additionally, it reduces uncertainty for companies, which can, in turn, promote innovation in AI technology. Van Kolfschooten underscores that this is important not only for patient safety but also for building trust among healthcare providers. This way, AI can contribute to better healthcare in the Netherlands without unnecessary risks, with economic benefits becoming relevant only at a later stage. 

Mr. H.B. (Hannah) van Kolfschooten LLM

Faculty of Law
