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Hannah van Kolfschooten from the Law Centre for Health and Law, is part of the newly established INSPIRE Digital Health group. Van Kolfschooten will be contributing to the research group’s efforts to foster scientific collaboration and knowledge translation in digital health.

The INSPIRE Digital Health group will focus on producing scientific manuscripts, developing knowledge translation tools, and creating accessible policy briefs to communicate research findings to a range of stakeholders, including policymakers and the World Health Organization (WHO). The group’s ongoing efforts will be supported by regular meetings to ensure a sustained collaborative approach. 

The research group is an outcome of a workshop that took place from October 3 to 4, 2024, in Hermance, Switzerland. Dr. Samira A. Rahimi from McGill University led this workshop supported by the Brocher Foundation of Switzerland and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). The focus was on using artificial intelligence (AI) to promote health equity, bringing together emerging and established researchers, health professionals, policymakers, patient partners, AI experts, and representatives from international organizations. Talks and group discussions revolved around AI's potential to advance health equity while fostering connections and actionable strategies across sectors. 

Mr. H.B. (Hannah) van Kolfschooten LLM

Faculty of Law
