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What new developments and solution pathways can enhance access to medicines, vaccines and health products? LCHL’s Katrina Perehudoff spoke about these issues in her oral intervention at the OHCRH’s second Expert Workshop.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' (OHCHR) second Expert Workshop on key challenges and new developments in ensuring access to medicines, vaccines and other health products collected input from stakeholders with a view to providing a comprehensive report to the Human Rights Council on the subject. Katrina made two oral interventions based on her research findings. She focused on the primary obligations of states in the face of unaffordable and unavailable medicines. Her intervention is published on the Medicines Law & Policy blog.

Katrina’s participation was supported in part by a Veni talent grant from the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research.

Dr. S.K. (Katrina) Perehudoff

Faculty of Law
