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Dr. J.W. (James) Hazel III PhD

Faculty of Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Beskow, L., Hammack-Aviran, C., Hazel, J. W., & Wolf, L. E. (2022). Perspectives on choice of law challenges in multistate precision medicine research. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 9(1).
    • Leech, V., Hazel, J. W., Gatlin, J. C., Lindsay, A. E., & Manhart, A. (2022). Mathematical modeling accurately predicts the dynamics and scaling of nuclear growth in discrete cytoplasmic volumes. Journal of Theoretical Biology.
    • Wan, Z., Hazel, J. W., Wright Clayton, E., Vorobeychik, Y., Kantarcioglu, M., & Malin, B. (2022). Sociotechnical safeguards for genomic data privacy. Nature Reviews Genetics, 429–445.
    • Wolf, L. E., Brown, E. F., Hammack-Aviran, C., Hazel, J. W., Rencher, W., & Beskow, L. (2022). Addressing choice of law challenges in multi-state precision medicine research: experts’ assessment of key factors. Journal of Law and the Biosciences.


    • Hazel, J. W. (2021). Privacy best practices for direct-to-consumer genetic testing services : are industry efforts at self-regulation sufficient? In I. G. Cohen, N. A. Farahany, H. T. Greely, & C. Shachar (Eds.), Consumer Genetic Technologies: Ethical and Legal Considerations
    • Hazel, J. W., Hammack-Aviran, C., Brelsford, K., Malin, B., Beskow, L., & Wright Clayton, E. (2021). Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: Prospective users’ attitudes toward information about ancestry and biological relationships. PLoS ONE.


    • Rothstein, M., Zawati, M., Beskow, L., Brelsford, K., Brothers, K., Hammack-Aviran, C., Hazel, J. W., Joly, Y., Lang, M., Patrons, D., Saltzman, A., & Knoppers, B. M. (2020). Legal and Ethical Challenges of International Direct-to-Participant Genomic Research: Conclusions and Recommendations. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics , 47(4).


    • Ruhl, G., Hazel, J. W., Wight Clayton, E., & Malin, B. (2019). Public Attitudes Toward Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing. AMIA Annual Symposium. Proceedings, 774–783.
    • Wright Clayton, E., Hazel, J. W., Evans, B., & Rothstein, M. (2019). The law of genetic privacy: applications, implications, and limitations. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 6(1), 1-36.



    • Hazel, J., Krutkramelis, K., Mooney, P., Tomschik, M., Gerow, K., Oakey, J., & Gatlin, J. (2013). Changes in cytoplasmic volume are sufficient to drive spindle scaling. Science, 342(6160), 853-856.


    • Fay, D. S., Polley, S. R. G., Kuang, J., Kuzmanov, A., Hazel, J. W., Veo, B., & Yochem, J. (2012). A Regulatory Module Controlling Pharyngeal Development and Function in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics, 191(3).



    Journal editor

    • Hazel III, J. (editor) (2024). Journal of Law and the Biosciences (Journal).
    • Hazel III, J. (editor) (2024). BMC Medical Ethics (Journal).
    • Hazel III, J. (editor) (2024). International Data Privacy Law (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Hazel III, J. (invited speaker) (18-9-2024). Consumer Genetic Testing and the Law: Applications, Implications, Limitations, Erasmus University Medical Center.
    • Hazel III, J. (invited speaker) (4-6-2024). AI Applications in National Genomics Research: Legal, Ethical, and Policy Landscape, European Society of Human Genetics Conference 2024, Berlin.
    • Hazel III, J. (speaker) (19-4-2024). Research Seminar: Genomics, Global Health, and the Law: Applications, Implications, Limitations, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD).
    • Hazel III, J. (speaker) (16-4-2024). LCHL Research Lunch - Artificial Intelligence and National Genomics Initiatives: A Global Survey of Policies and Practices.
    • Hazel III, J. (speaker) (15-3-2024). Consumer Genetics and the Law: Applications, Implications, and Limitations, Artificial Intelligence for Health Decision-Making RPA (UvA-AUMC).


    • Hazel III, J. (participant) (30-8-2024). ELSA Lab AI for Health Equity: Writing and Societal Partner Workshop, Amsterdam. Coordinated the 1 day meeting of the ELSA Lab AI for Health Equity. Morning session including writing and planning for an upcoming AiNed/NWO call, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hazel III, J. (other) (5-4-2024). Stakeholder Interview (McGill University; Robert Edward Whitley): Implications of Consumer Genetic Testing (other).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities