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Hannah van Kolfschooten from the Law Centre for Health and Life, together with Astrid Pilottin, published an article in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, on “Reinforcing Stereotypes in Health Care Through Artifical Intelligence-Generated Images: A Call for Regulation.

The European Union Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, adopted in March 2024, marks the first legal framework to regulate Generative AI (GenAI), including image-generative AI systems like ChatGPT-4, Dall-E, and Midjourney, which can create health-themed images and text. Research highlights that GenAI often perpetuates harmful stereotypes related to race, ethnicity, and gender, both in text and images, which can adversely impact patient behavior and healthcare outcomes. A small-scale study found that AI-generated health images can reinforce negative medical stereotypes, underscoring the need for greater awareness and mitigation strategies. The commentary calls for comprehensive measures to address these biases to protect fundamental rights and health in the wake of AI's growing influence. 

Mr. H.B. (Hannah) van Kolfschooten LLM

Faculty of Law
