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We are excited to introduce Prof. Jennifer Merchant as a speaker at our conference on Reproductive Rights: Legal Developments and Challenges. She will be introducing the session on Reproductive Technologies on, 15 May 2024.

Jennifer Merchant obtained her PhD in political sciences from Sciences po Paris, and now teaches at the Université de Paris II. Her research privileges a pluridisciplinary approach at the crossroads of political science, law, gender studies and bioethics in Anglo-American and European countries. She is currently working on two projects:  1° analyzing from a comparative perspective (France/United States) policies relative to gender and health care and research, and 2° comparative public policy analyses of the framing of human genome editing (HGE) and their impact on the future of human reproduction. She is a member of the Inserm Ethics Committee and of the Institut universitaire de France, and was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Genome Editing. Among her publications; Procréation et politique aux Etats-Unis, 1965-2005 (Paris, Belin 2006), “Assisted Reproductive Technology in the United States: Towards a National Regulatory Framework”, IJB 2009 (, Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies: The Case of France and Belgium (dir.), Berghahn Books, December 2019 ( and De l’initimté publique au droit à l’intimité/right to privacy: Droit constititionnel des femmes américaines, forthcoming 2024.