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Johan Legemaate of the Law Centre for Health and Life, together with P.A.M. Mevis and L. Postma, published an article on "New euthanasia legislation in other countries - inspiration for the Netherlands?", in the Journal of Health Law.

This article aims to provide a comparative analysis of recent legislation regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide in several countries, including the Netherlands. The aim is to compare the content of the Dutch Act on Assessment of Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Wtl) with legislative developments in other countries. The focus is on identifying differences and similarities between Dutch legislation and that of other countries, in order to contribute to the debate on the future of Dutch regulations on euthanasia and assisted suicide. The analysis focuses on the content of the legislation and looks for opportunities where Dutch law offers more scope and where other countries may be able to inspire policy discussions in the Netherlands. 

Prof. J. (Johan) Legemaate

Faculty of Law
