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Thanks to a prestigious NIAS Fellowship Dr. De Ruijter will be working from the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) for 10 months in 2022-2023 to prepare her book on the empirical and legal common core of EU constitutional principles for health emergencies. NIAS is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) that provides a physical and intellectual space for advanced and cross-disciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences.
Copyright: Robin de Puy
“As we have seen in the current Covid19 outbreak in consecutive EU responses in e.g. passenger screening, data exchange, vaccine procurement, border management, the EU is increasingly involved in responding to man-made and naturally occurring health emergencies, but without the legal basis to do so. EU health emergency responses impact the fundamental rights and values that protect EU citizens, and it can bend or break existing constitutional limitations to respond to health emergencies. While the power of the EU for health emergencies is growing, with it comes a constitutional void in EU law regarding legal safeguards. The central question that my book will explore is: What EU legal core of principles that apply in the field of human health can serve to improve the EU constitutional framework to respond to health emergencies?” 
Prof. dr. mr. A. (Anniek) de Ruijter

Faculty of Law
